The palate is the mouth’s roof. It is the membrane that divides the oral cavity from the nasal cavity. The front of the palate is bony (hard palate), whereas the rear is muscular (soft palate). Know about Tongue Tie Treatment.
What are the Two Types of Palate
The palate is divided into two sections: the hard palate and the soft palate.
The bony section is the hard palate. It is a horizontal bony plate that creates the mouth’s palate portion. It allows the tongue to move freely and provides a firm floor to the nasal cavity, preventing forces inside the mouth from closing up the nasal tube.
The soft palate is a muscle structure positioned near the rear of the mouth. Its purpose is to serve as a barrier between the digestive and respiratory processes by separating the mouth and nose. Its major purpose is to help in speech, breathing, and swallowing.
Why Does My Palate Hurt?
Because of oral trauma, your hard or soft palate may be sore and painful. Cuts and scrapes produced by eating hard or pointy foods are common ways to hurt your palate. Food and beverages that are excessively hot or too cold may also cause painful blisters and burns.
What Problems Can The Soft Palate Cause?
A cleft palate may create problems with speech and swallowing, because the palate is unable to divide the respiratory and digestive tracts. Some newborns with cleft palate may have more ear infections, hearing impairments, or dental problems.
Why Do I Have a Bump on My Hard Palate?
Torus palatinus is the name of the bump on the palate. Torus palatinus is a bony growth on the roof of the mouth or in the center of the hard palate. This hump may range in size from hardly detectable to highly obvious. Torus palatinus, no matter how huge it is, is not an indication of any underlying condition.
Does High Palate Affect Speech?
One such issue is speech and articulation issues. The high-arched palate associated with cleft palate repair affects the closeness of the palate surface to the tongue, which inhibits phonation and articulation. Incomprehensible and hypernasal sounds are produced by a high palate.